Frotteurism and Paraphilic Disorders

Frotteurism and Paraphilic Disorders

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

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Study Tip #3 🌟

Quick question: What’s Frotteurism?

If you're already nodding your head in recognition, major kudos! You're on the brilliance level. If you're currently diving into the recesses of your brain for an answer, fear not – you officially don't know (yet). But guess who does? The MFT Exam creators.

Frotteurism has recently made its debut in the exam, and guess what? That means it's time to brush up on your knowledge.

So, what exactly is Frotteurism?

In simple terms, it's a sexual disorder where one gets sexually aroused by rubbing against a nonconsenting person. Uncomfortable topic? Absolutely. But as clinicians, our role is to be curious, provide a safe space, and approach it with compassion. Plus, it's essential to recognize that sexual disorders often stem from early childhood mistreatment and abuse.

Now, Frotteurism falls under the umbrella of Paraphilic Disorders, aka the realm of sex disorders. And here's a little exam tip – Paraphilic Disorders are among the DSM disorders that often slip through the cracks during study sessions.

Here's a snapshot of what's in the Paraphilic Disorders bag:

  • - Voyeuristic disorder.

  • - Exhibitionistic disorder.

  • - Frotteuristic disorder.

  • - Sexual masochism disorder.

  • - Sexual sadism disorder.

  • - Pedophilic disorder.

  • - Fetishistic disorder.

  • - Transvestic disorder.

  • - Partialism.

  • - Zoophilia.

  • - Necrophilia.

  • - Klismaphilia.

  • - Urophilia.

  • - Telephone scatologia.

And the list goes on!

If some of these sound like unfamiliar territory, consider adding them to your study agenda. While it might not be a heavyweight topic on the exam with multiple questions, knowing these disorders can easily snag you an extra 1-2 points... and sometimes, that's all it takes to tip the scales in your favor.

You got this.

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